
Thursday, October 17, 2019

R to the E to the S to the PECT


In Hay Park School we have one of our school values as respect, but what does respect mean here?? Well on Monday we had to pick a setting out of a little bucket and make a screencastify about it. We also had to choose a buddy that worked with us. My buddies name is Faisa and if you would like to check out the video that we did check it out below!

Today for our SODA (Start Of Day Activity) task we  had to pick one thing that we wanted to focus on for the next few weeks, the thing that I chose was following instructions because I sometimes don't hear what my teacher has said or I don't listen to what she has said.

BYE I hope you enjoyed my blog post see you next time!


  1. Hi Fatima,
    this video was great to watch and I really like the way that you tow wok so hared on this video but I want to wonder that you can spike a little lode but by the way it was a get video to watch from Aliza

  2. hello Fatima,

    I have seen your video! but there was one thing that I notice that I can't hear you through my headphones, so could you please speak a little bit louder. Except for that everything else was fine.

    from Lillias

  3. Hey Fatima,

    I love how you explain what you are doing and I love how you guys both record together.I like how you guys told us that you guys are going to be talking about following Instructions. Next time you maybe can speak louder because we can't really hear you guys.

    From Gaylene

  4. Hi Fatima,

    I like what you said in your video about how you stick with your instructor teacher and listen to them and don´t touch anything
    really nice.

    from Emily

  5. Hello Fatima

    I enjoyed listening how you guys show respect in the classroom.I really liked the rules that you guys said about the classroom.It's really good that you guys did a screencastify about how to show respect in the classrom

  6. Hi Fatima,

    I really like your video about how to show Respect when we are going on trips. This video would be great for us when we are going outside of school. Maybe next time you could try and speak up more louder.

  7. Hello Fatima,

    I really enjoyed how you and Faisa explained on how to show respect. Maybe next time you should speak more clearly and louder so that your audience can hear you guys, but anyways all together this blog post was really great!

    Kind Regards

  8. Hello Fatima,

    Thank you for sharing your learning about how to to show respect when your going on trips.I actually find your tips helpful because when I go on trips I can follow the tips you guys have gave.Next time maybe speak louder and clearer.

    From Sariah

  9. hello Fatima,
    I really enjoyed how you and Faisa explained on how top show Respect. maybe next time you code say a little more about Respect From Aliza


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