
Thursday, December 27, 2018

day 5 activity 3 Going, going….gone

Kiora bloggers,

Today the summer learning journey task was to imagine that New Zealand is going to sink next week (eek) and you had to write a description about how New Zealand was like in 2018 here is my description:

In New Zealand to world was  big and beautiful before it started to sink. It also had lots of people living in it. There was lots of houses but now the houses and the land is sinking there was lots of places like playgrounds for little children (kids) so that they can play on it but now that the world is sinking there is hardly anything there was lots of stores that you could bye things from there was also way more farms and you could visit a lot of farm animals.

bye see you later.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Fatima,

    It’s Dani from the Kaikohekohe cluster here again. I enjoyed my time here in Ako Hiko so much yesterday, I thought I would spend another day here.

    You have done a good job explaining what might happen to New Zealand once it starts sinking. The activity has asked you to explain what New Zealand is like now, before it has started to sink. It’s your job to write a blog post that will ‘paint a picture’ in someone’s head about our country and what life is like here. You could talk about our beautiful scenery such as our beaches, mountains and forests. If you use descriptive words it will help paint an even better picture. I will check back and see if you have edited your blog to include the description and once you have I can award you the full points for this activity!

    I look forward to reading your description about New Zealand soon!

    Blog ya later,



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