
Sunday, December 23, 2018

day 4 activity 3 salt and pepper

Hello bloggers,

Today the summer learning journey task was to make your own hotel and tell other people what your hotel  looks like here is my writing about my hotel :

My hotel is made out of bricks and it is huge y hotels rooms have a TV,beds and some couches it also has a bathroom in every room. some rooms have only one bed and some rooms have 10 beds (minimum is 1 bed maximum Is 10 beds.My hotel has 100 rooms 10 rooms have 1 bed 10 rooms have 2 beds 10 rooms have 3 beds and 10 rooms have 4 beds and it goes on until it is one hundred rooms. my Hotel can fit 145 people in.

I hope you have enjoyed. If you had a hotel what will your hotel look like ? blog you later.

1 comment:

  1. Talofa lava Fatima,

    I’m Dani, I’m a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey. I grew up in Northland then I moved down to Auckland to study and now I live in Three Kings. I normally spend my time in the Kaikohekohe cluster but we decided I should see some of the awesome posts in the Ako Hiko cluster! I am looking forward to spending some time in Ako Hiko and I hope to see some great posts!

    Your hotel sounds like the perfect place to hang out! I don’t think I would want to leave it if I had a massive cosy bed to watch TV on. I think your hotel might hold even more people that 145. Do you think you could work it out? I think if you only have one person sleeping in each bed then you would be a bit easier to work out the maximum capacity ( the most amount of people that fit) for your hotel.

    I think I would make my hotel out of wood and glass and have it somewhere with an amazing view. I would make lots of little huts with a glass roof and big windows so my guests can see the view from the comfort of their rooms.

    Did you know if you add a Google Drawing or a real drawing of your hotel to this post you could earn an extra five points? Some learners have drawn a picture to show what a room would look like, others have drawn a birds eye view of their hotel or a picture of the outside of their hotel. There are lots of options!

    I look forward to reading more of your blog soon!

    Blog ya later,



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