
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Week 2 day one activity three something smells fishy

kiora bloggers,

Today the activity was to read some facts that were written in the summer learning Journey website and then we had find out if they were true or not from the linked website here are the 5 facts and what I found:

1: The oldest fish is 65 years old (True)

2:Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids (True)

3:Starfish are a type of fish (False)

4:Fish communicate to each other by making low pitched sounds (True)

5:Fish usually swim together In groups called classes (False)

blog you later bye!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fatima,

    I'm Leslie and I'm a member of the Summer Learning Journey team, reading your blog from snowy Canada where I live. Isn't it amazing to think that people on the opposite sides of the world can be involved in the same program??

    I hope you've enjoyed the activities that you've done. There's so much to learn about the world, isn't there?

    I'm not sure where you did your research in order to answer the questions but your answers to the first 2 questions are incorrect. Lungfish do live a very long time and, in fact, the longest-living lungfish in captivity was older than 65 when it died. There are other kinds of fish, like the Greenland Shark, that live for hundreds of years. Isn't that hard to believe??
    So the answer to question #1 is FALSE.

    Also, while sharks do have eyelids, they're not the only kind of fish to do so. There are other deep-sea fish that also have eyelids to protect their eyes.

    If you wish to get full points for this activity you can do a little more research and re-do the activity. It's up to you!!

    I hope you're having a really lovely summer holiday and I hope you'll continue on with the Summer Learning Journey program!!!




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